Friday, July 25, 2014

What Is The Inter-Realm?

There's a show on The Travel Channel that has been lately following Ghost Adventures on Saturday nights, and it features a retired NYC police detective and an emo-tinged psychic medium from Colorado who get called in to various places to figure out why it is that the things that go bump in the night are bumping around all night long and driving folks crazy with their activity. The show is called The Dead Files, and between the young woman's mediumistic powers and the detectives powers of investigation, they generally come upon a basic narrative that explains why what's happening is happening.

I like the show because – whether the medium's perceptions are real or not – at least no one is pointing into the dark and saying "Did you just hear that?" or freaking out over a creak in a floorboard. No EMF detectors spiking, no ghost box syllabic chirps and burps, and no one trying to provoke a response from whatever is or isn't there in the room by pretending to be more badass than the poor thing. It might be just as much a set-up as the rest of the ghost shows on TV, but it seems to be a lot more respectful of the notion that these dead things are still people, and I appreciate that.

And this is something that's troubled me for years; the fact that most people don't think of intelligent paranormal manifestations as being people. Then again, perhaps these same folks don't think of the homeless as being real people either, but who's to know. Now, I used the homeless as a quick, familiar comparison because in most cases, it's a really apt comparison. This seems to be especially true when the troubled individual (whether shelter or spectrally challenged) is being assessed by someone whose perceptions have been crippled by those strong traditional American values of self-reliance, bootstrap independence, and respectable bloodlines.

What's also true is that for centuries there has been a lot of money made off defining those lingering dead as malevolent, vengeful, psychotic, or simply horrifying. It's no wonder that death is the most terrifying fate that we each will inevitably face, with all kinds of products and services available (from drugs and booze to an Xtian speed-pass into the arms of the risen Christ) to lessen or deaden that terror as each person's end-of-days apocalypse silently creeps ever closer on a daily basis.

So, what has this got to do with the original question "What is the Inter-Realm?"?

Pretty much everything, since it's within The Inter-Realm that communication, and understanding, between the two primary factions of humanity can be achieved. Two primary factions of humanity? Yes. The "living" and the "dead".

This blog is going to be primarily focused on everything that has to do with developing that unique stretch of existential property, and offering some equally unique perspectives on what The Inter-Realm is, how it compares to the Material Realm and the realm of whatever afterlife there may be that awaits each of us once we've wasted our bodies and brains to ruinous degrees of entropy.

Is there a human afterlife? Does The Inter-Realm actually exist? Let's take some time, expend some intellectual effort on this largest of all human concerns, and see what comes of it.

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