Monday, August 11, 2014

After-Death Communication

It's not uncommon for a person to experience an After-Death Communication (otherwise known as an ADC) from a recently passed loved one. In fact, the percentages actually favor such an event, although there aren't any hard, fast rules concerning ADC, especially when it comes to the nature of the communication or which of the perhaps many loved ones of the deceased can expect to experience an ADC. It can often be the case that the person closest and most loved by the deceased will never experience anything whatsoever, while those more ancillary to the life of the departed will report contact. Just as often, this leaves the "neglected" feeling confused and a bit slighted.

As is the point of this blog, I feel that it might be helpful if the logistical nuts and bolts of an ADC were laid out for folks who've either dealt with the death of a loved one or are preparing for such an event. Especially the issues concerning those ADC events that feature the freshly passed and those select few that end up being physiologically available for whatever the departed has quickly pitched together as a parting communiqué.

To preview one really critical takeaway point before I go any further; if your mom or dad or husband or wife or whomever it is, leaves forever without stopping by on their way out, don't make the tragic mistake of taking it as an indication concerning the depth of love that this person felt for you. There are way too many reasons why one corporeal brain versus another is available (or not) for an ADC, and as is true about so much in life, timing isn't everything; it's the only thing. Just remember this, even if you forget everything else I have here about After-Death Communication going forward.

People Don't Change

This is probably the most important fact about the passing-over event that you'll ever learn, so I repeat and repeat it again and again from post to post. The death of the body and brain does nothing at all to reconfigure the personality of the individual. It will ease pain and give the suddenly released a certain spring in their step, but that's to be expected in most cases. After all, most people die as a result of sickness or general physical deterioration. Shedding that old, failing body must feel pretty damn wonderful, with the new vitality a bit of a pleasant surprise. Still, once the novelty has worn off, the person who died is the person who remains, for better or worse in all cases.

The fact that each person who's just passed remains the person who was passing only moments before, suggests that each person who enters the eternal realm is facing quite a learning curve; regardless of what you've read in some "returning to your home in Heaven" paperback that's been sitting on the NY Times bestseller list for the last 30 months. No one's ever "returned to Heaven" or returned to anywhere else within the post-corporeal realm, and the reason is because none of us have ever been to any other realm than the one we presently occupy.

Yes, we are "non-material" beings that are emerging – one dynamic informational burst set at a time – from our overworked Homo Sapiens brains, but our perceptional focus is largely glued to the trough that sits directly and specifically before each one of us. That trough is the minute-to-minute grind of material survival, and even the yogi-est guru on Earth has to eat, drink and move his bowels or he'll die. And when he dies, he'll have his own learning curve. Just like the rest of us.

This means that your deceased loved one is going to have to ask for help from someone who's been there long enough to know how to get that message through. The good news is that in most cases, such a person is available and generally willing to grant such a request. Still, it takes your loved one's speaking up and asking for help from someone they've probably never met before, and some folks aren't very good at that sort of thing. Hell, the truth is that, for some, just the novelty of being aware and existent is probably a bit overwhelming in itself. Setting up an instant message back home might not even enter such a person's mind, and how could you blame anyone for that.

You see, getting anything at all through from "there" to "here" is a lot more complicated than (perhaps) you've been led to believe, and I want to take a few paragraphs to overview some of technical issues, even if space prohibits me from getting into the weeds on why these issues exist. I'll just make the blanket statement that the material realm and the eternal realm are completely incompatible, even if it is true that each realm exists to enable the existence of the other realm. And yes, I know exactly how vague and counter-intuitive that sounds, but the two realm combine to be the whole of physical reality, and that means that while they complete reality together, there's precious little that they have in common.

For a post-corporeal (we can use the word "spirit" I suppose) person, affecting the material realm is a finesse move, and some are a lot better than others. Those that are really gifted are described as "powerful" by paranormal researchers, but the truth is that power and energy are material manifestations based on kinetic movement alone. So, no one is more or less powerful within the eternal realm than anyone else. They're just more knowledgeable, and/or perhaps more talented and practiced.

What's also true is that spirit people don't have mouths to speak with or fingers to tap on shoulders with. This means that they've got to get creative and use what is available (and useful) if they want to get noticed by a loved one who's still focused on material survival issues. The easiest and most generally impressive method of getting someone's full attention is to go directly through their brain's external input data wash.

This Direct Data Manipulation (DDM) can only be accomplished by a seasoned veteran, but once fully learned and reasonably skilled, a spirit person can really make stuff happen for the living person targeted for communication. Full body apparitions, full conversations, even a total sensory encounter (yes, including sex) is very possible with this form of ADC, even if the entire encounter is actually only happening within the sensory perception translation center of the brain of the material person being contacted. For that one person, this is a total immersion experience. For anyone else in the room . . . well, it's not a shared (or sharable) experience. It's only ever used when the targeted individual is alone, and other distractions have been largely eliminated.

A more lean version of the DDM style ADC can involve a whisper in the ear, a quick touch of a familiar hand, a scent unique to the passed loved one, as well as many other relatively fleeting indications (including dream encounters), with some as vague (yet deeply impacting) as the sense of physical presence of the passed loved one. Again, this is accomplished by introducing freely accessible data sets (concerning physical attributes of the one who has passed) into the data wash that generally is restricted to stimuli coming from the eyes, ears, nose, and nerve endings. For the contactee, it's as real as such data sets have ever been. The experience is the real and palpable presence of their deceased loved one, and that's the whole point of this form of ADC.

Another form of ADC is basic object manipulation, and the experience of ghostly object manipulation is one that’s pretty easy to imagine, so I'll save the space. How it works is a bit more complicated, and it involves the entity adjusting the forward time trajectory of the material object in a way that introduces a spatial proximity change where one would otherwise not exist for the object involved. How this is done is much too complicated for me to delve into here, since it requires your foreknowledge in System Theory, Holon Theory, a breakthrough approach on Information Theory that is presently hiding within a brand new physics term "contextuality", and a long dreary afternoon digging into the nature of Emergent Systems. Let's just say that while it seems as if it would be straightforward enough, moving things around isn't child's play for the discarnate individual. And yet, there are those who excel at object manipulation. So, as it is on this side of the veil, to each his (or her) own.

Of course, there are those material folks who chase down those anomalous chirps and grunts with digital recorders in search of intelligible contact . . .

. . . but I see that sort of thing as being very different than the interaction that is initiated by a passed loved one toward one of their own. The emotional wash and the deep sense of genuine familiarity that comes with an ADC from one you love is nothing at all like the quick bits and chunks of indication that ghost hunters comb through for hours on end.

A true ADC event can refresh, rejuvenate, and set the devastated heart on a new path toward eventual contentment, and if you are so blessed by such an event, just appreciate the lengths that someone (on behalf of your loved one) went through to give you that instant of closure and (perhaps) insight into the greatest mystery that faces humankind. When that voice, that touch, that quick image darting just to the extreme of your periphery, or that moved object, stops you dead in your tracks, enjoy that brief moment within The Inter-Realm, and thank whomever graced you with that moment. It was anything but easy, and it was their gift to you as they wait on your own inevitable passage to the realm of forever.

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