Monday, August 4, 2014

“Inhuman” Entities and The Inter-Realm

The Inter-Realm is that space where we who dwell within the Material Realm connect with those who've passed on to the Eternal Realm, and some form of communication is attempted. You can call such an event mediumship, a haunting, or even "an undigested bit of beef", but whatever you call it, millions of people over thousands of years have entered this realm at some point in their lives. It's the point of this blog to take a fresh look at this clearly existent phenomenon, and perhaps offer an explanation that hasn't been offered before.

Today I’d like to take a look at one notion that's made a pretty remarkable comeback in recent years as a result of so many Ghost Hunter style Reality TV shows crowding the dial; the demonic possession/infestation. Mainly, I’d like to take a moment and examine exactly what that might be, what it cannot be, and why it is that 21st century modernized cultures persist in embracing the idea that demons and inhuman spirits exist in numbers that make them the spiritual equivalent of termites.

The notion itself is pretty straightforward. At some point in the past, God kicked Satan and all of his cohorts out of Heaven because they rebelled, and I guess they tried to take over . . . ? I don’t know. It’s all pretty vague as to what exactly Satan and his gang actually tried to accomplish, but the bottom line is that they became enemies of God, and even though God created them and could’ve easily eliminated every last of one them with a simple word to that effect, he decided to toss them out and allow them to hole up in an underground lair, where they would be free to scheme and wreak havoc on God's only other on-going interest; humanity.

Ever since, these maniacs have been possessing and tormenting people due to (I don't know) raw hatred, revenge perhaps, or just because they're so purely evil that tormenting and possessing people is what they do and it's as simple as that.

I’ve worked for years to understand what, if anything, this specific phenomenon might actually represent, since my own understanding of Reality doesn’t include gods (of any kind whatsoever), demons, angels heaven or hells. In that time, I’ve come upon my own set of explanations concerning these “things” and what they might be. So far, I've gathered three primary hypotheses, and none of them include the declaration that it's all crap and someone needs to grow up and get a life.

The Asshole Hypothesis

My very first go-to has always been that these demonic presences are just assholes – human beings who get a charge out of being jerks. Like the coworker who does whatever he (or she) can to make life miserable for whomever he (or she) has selected for unwarranted and unwanted attention, these nasty little pricks gets a charge out of being as devilish as possible. Especially if they can pass themselves off as demonic, and therefore immeasurably more threatening than just the assholes that they actually are and were when they were still stranded inside a meat suit like the rest of us.

This hypothesis does address an entire laundry-list of widely reported demonic-specific phenomena, like scratches (happening in sets of three, specifically), growls (like the kind that even I can reproduce), rotten meat stenches (again, not hard for even the more unsophisticated post-corporeal hell-raiser), and especially those claims (by the entity itself) of being demonic; as if we’re supposed to believe this thing that otherwise lies as central to its own nature when it admits to being a demon (seriously, think about it).

In my own interpretation of the most widely reported indications as pure data, The Asshole Hypothesis is probably the most plausible explanation for what would otherwise present an entire alternate universe of impossible ramifications as a default response to its very existence, if one has already eliminated the equally unlikely explanation that many thousands of people over thousands of years are either lying about this stuff or are completely bat-sh*t crazy and hallucinating everything while being otherwise staid and responsible (as well as completely rational) in every other area of their own lives.

Yes, I’ve already eliminated the uniquely American definition of rational explanation: “whatever cognitive gymnastics are required (from embracing the implausible to stridently insisting on the impossible) to roundly dismiss any and all claims that don’t line up with your parent’s beliefs concerning whatever it is under examination”, as a result of it being the intellectual equivalent of cracking a beer and turning on the Cartoon Network.

I do realize that there are those cases where an entity is immediately “recognized” as being an “inhuman entity” by one of those people who make a living by discerning that sort of thing. I’m going to go on record here as admitting that while there are plenty of hucksters out there who have no ability to actually communicated directly with those folks who’ve already junked their corporeal husks in favor of what awaits us all, there are those few who (for whatever physiological reason) actually can perceive folks from that other realm in bits and pieces when properly focused. These are the people who visit The Inter-Realm, and while they do perceive that which meets them within that realm, they have only their own interpretation of what they perceive to work with – and that’s the point of this next hypothesis.

The “Others” Hypothesis

Of the three hypotheses that I have concerning the “demonic entity” phenomenon, this one is the most tragic. It involves the possible ramifications of our own species’ battle for environmental dominance on this one planet, as the possibility does exist that the body count we’re responsible for might have included other – now extinct – versions of humanity. Here, let me see if  can explain.

The human being is “generated” by the Homo Sapiens brain as it does what it does to keep itself and the body that carries it around alive. That special extra that transcends raw sentience (at times, even sapience) lifts the brain’s output into being what we refer to as intellect; true abstraction concerning time, relativity, and the physical existence of self apart from the brain. While this claim is controversial enough for some people, the truth is that if this is what make our own intellectual generation “human”, then this planet has hosted other brains that also “generated” humanity. Brains that belonged to other hominids that – from all available archeological evidence – our ancestors actively eliminated from material existence. And yes, I do realize exactly how controversial the next statement I’m going to make will be. Especially for those who embrace any form of traditional definition of humanity, or even reality for that matter.

If all it takes is for something to hate the Homo Sapiens hominid with all its might, and for it to be “unrecognizable” (relative to the human being “generated” by a Homo Sapiens brain) by a bona fide psychic medium, then any one of a variety of now-extinct human and/or subhuman species that once roamed this planet could easily qualify as demonic, if one such post-corporeal entity were to be found to be engaged in aggressive and destructive activity toward a living Homo Sapiens human. In fact, if one takes a cold, hard look at the forensic evidence that’s been uncovered concerning the troubling relationship between Homo Sapiens and Neanderthal alone, plenty of impetus can be found for “demonic attacks” coming from any number of these unfortunate cousins of ours. Especially since theories exist that lay the blame for their extinction directly on our own ancestors and on the predilection for eliminating all competitors that still largely defines the Homo Sapiens edition of the human race.

And “demonic attacks” – in general – consist of relatively uninspired, primitive aggression that anyone is easily capable of replicating. All I really know is that if I had once been Neanderthal, and was now capable of inflicting hell upon a member of the species responsible for the extinction of my kind, I'd be all over that sh*t like a cheap suit.

Of course, we all know that there have been those extremely sophisticated scenarios featuring “demonic possession”, along with all the spectacular bells and whistles that have had millions flocking to theaters and Catholic confessionals for decades. And it’s this extremely obvious connection between demonic possession and the Catholic Church that brings me to the most troubling of my hypotheses.

The Holy Roman Conspiracy Hypothesis

Let’s face it, The Catholic Church is the lone creation of the Roman Empire that persists to this day and remains globally influential. And yes, as heretical as it might sound, we can only look to this remnant of the Roman Empire for every bit of original information and initial doctrinal structure concerning the recorded history of the Catholic Church and of the Christian religion itself as an emerging phenomenon. As troubling as this may be for our Evangelical friends, it's the truth that if it weren’t for the direct influence of those psychopathic manipulators of the Axial Age on our entire Western culture, we wouldn't be able to pick Jesus out of a line up, and we'd have no idea what Satan or demonic possession is all about. Where this unsettling bit of clarification touches the subject of this examination is the Catholic Rite of Exorcism, and the Church’s intimate relationship with the phenomenon of “demonic possession”.

A full one-third of the earth’s human population embraces what the Roman Empire declared to be true and official about life, death, and what follows that death. Even the most strident Western atheist defines reality relative to his (or her) rejection of what the Roman Empire presented to the world as true and unalterable. In spite of all the academic effort to pursue the Christian theology to its humble beginnings within the small dusty streets of Palestine, the only real sources remain the Church archives. As a matter of fact, since Rome's Christian Bishops burned the ancient libraries of Alexandria, precious little remains of anything at all that precedes the Catholic Church’s historical archives concerning Western history or emerging culture as a whole.

In other words, the Roman Empire is and has been our primary source for what is real and factual about our Western world, and this is no small statement. It’s even more profound when you realize that this same tyrannical organization is our primary source for what is real and factual about what may or may not exist once we’ve left this world. Jesus, a father god, Satan, demons, angels, heaven, and hell; all handed down to us from the Roman Empire. And the concept of demonic possession as well. None of this stuff exists, or existed, within the Hebrew Torah, regardless of what you've been led to believe. All inflicted upon the human race by the Romans. That said, if one does embrace the notion of an actual physical (not material) afterlife, then this complete dominance of reality itself by the "brute fact" mentality of those totalitarian minds can cause things to get a lot more complicated, and perhaps malevolent, than even that. Let’s see if I can explain.

If there is a human afterlife, then the only intrinsic value that can exist is human devotion. After all, what else is there of any value that hasn't been given that value as a result of human devotion? Money? Land? Technology? That stuff’s determined to be valuable by human beings. Besides, it's gone once one has transitioned to a non-material afterlife. Even love is much too isolated, conditional, and individually defined to be strategically and tactically amassed by any one entity or oligarchy. Devotion, however, is an impersonal commitment that can be based on a range of circumstances, with gratitude the easiest initiating circumstance to manipulate. That is, if one is capable of creating an environment that is sufficiently threatening, while – in turn – providing a full relief that will inspire that devotional gratitude in those who’ve suffered under that threat.

Once established, devotion is easily maintained and managed, since the human predilection for community adherence will do most of the heavy lifting of keeping the flock together and pointed in the proper direction. It works wonderfully here within our own world, and it stands to reason that it works just as well within the realm of the afterlife. After all, no one changes as a result of corporeal death. We’ll each become who we’ve created of ourselves, and there’s little disagreement about that among our most eminent thinkers and afterlife researchers. Those who ruled, rule. And they do what it takes to be who and what they've made of themselves – for better or worse in all cases.

So, how would it work to assure that intense level of human devotion to this Roman doctrine of reality, and what could the mechanics of full-on demonic possession (ala The Exorcist) possibly involve? Let me suggest some possibilities concerning the second question before I reiterate my views concerning the first question.

It Takes A Village

Okay, so not a village, but it does require some serious teamwork to pull off one of those spectacular demonic possession thrill rides. The way that post-corporeal humans affect this Material Realm (the land of the living, in other words) is through manipulating aspect of it as dynamic informational beings. (you can click on!__you-are-forever and check out a quick slideshow concerning what that last term means if you wish) During a classic demonic possession, what’s being manipulated is Change/Spatial Trajectories and human cognition (internal stimuli added into the brain’s external stimuli data stream), and it’s a coordinated effort by multiple post-corporeal human beings working toward a clearly defined presentation.

Then, when the Catholic Priest is brought in as a last resort, the "demons" writhe and scream in torment until they are driven out. The dominant spiritual power of Christ's own Catholic Church is once again presented to a faithful humanity, and Satan is – yet again – put in his place. Okay, so we all know how this scenario plays out, but if it's a scam, then who – if anyone – is in on that scam? The priest? The person possessed? Exactly what's being accomplished here?

The priest isn't any wiser to any of this than the folks who called him in. The Catholic Church itself isn't any wiser to what's up here than the priest. There's no one who exists on this side of the veil that suspects a thing. They honestly believe that Satan and/or one of his minions has taken possession of a person, and only a Catholic Priest who has been properly trained can exorcize that demon and cast him out of that poor tormented person.

The actual possession is a team effort of perception manipulation and object manipulation conducted by extremely sophisticated post-corporeal henchmen (for lack of a better term, I guess) who specialize in keeping that demon versus humanity myth alive and well even into the 21st century. And they're really good at what they do, since they've been doing it for centuries.

The aim is to market the universal dominion of the Catholic Church over matters that transcend time and space. And, it's worked magnificently for centuries. It still works, and a Saturday night of ghost TV will convince you that this drama-centric marketing scheme is working just as it did in centuries past, with the added reach of Reality-TV to gather many thousands (per each successful win over the forces of evil) even one step closer to bowing to the authority of the Roman Catholic version of Christianity.

So, What’s The Take-Away Here?

If you feel the need to believe in demons and angels and demonic possession, then I sure don’t want to get between you and what provides conceptual stability to your life. That said, if you’re like a lot of people, and just wondering what all this possession stuff is all about, then I want you to consider the very real possibility that whatever it is that’s reaching back from “beyond the grave”, it’s either human in a Homo Sapiens manner (The Asshole Hypothesis) or it’s human in a manner that involves the life and death of a sentient/sapient being that simply was not Homo Sapiens when it was still alive (The “Others” Hypothesis).

What I don’t think is a good idea is the blind cultural acceptance that such a thing is “inhuman” and that it “never existed as alive on this or any other planet” because that’s the narrative that was crafted centuries ago by the Roman Empire’s Catholic Church, and even if it doesn’t have you converting to Catholicism, once you’ve passed, roping you in for ultimate inclusion into their community of devoted adherents will be as easy as setting out a “Go This Way »»» sign along with – perhaps – the laying out of a nice spread.

Your forever belongs to you. Never forget that. Watch all the wild ghost TV that you wish, and get your goose bumps over those demonic possession cases, but when you do, think about the reality of it all and about the fact that perception isn’t knowledge concerning what’s been perceived. There’s a whole perception translation stage that has to be successfully completed, and that’s the stage that matters most regardless of what sort of supernatural access one does or doesn’t possess. Reality is what it is, and nothing about it is all that strange. I guess if you simply keep that in mind, you’ll be fine no matter what reaches out for you.

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